It's a boy!!! Jude Martin Frohlich was born on November 23 @ 5:07 am. He weighed exactly 8lbs. and was 211/4 inches long. (He was much bigger than we expected.) We are so thankful to have him here alive and well. As many of you know we had quite a few complications, making our hopes for a natural birth impossible... But alas our midwife was still able to get in on the action and take some wonderful pictures - thank goodness, I could barely keep my eyes open! Dealing with the disappointment of the c-seciton has been a difficult adjustment mentally and physically and on top of that the little one was having some feeding dramas. After loosing 17% of his birth weight, he's finally back up to 8.2lbs. - it was a nerve recking couple of weeks, but we're both doing MUCH better now. So... thanks for all your understanding and patience as I've just now started to reconnect with the world! We had family in giving us a hand and celebrating Thanksgiving with us and we're heading home for Christmas in just a few days - so if you called - thanks so much!! It meant a lot to hear from everyone - and I do plan on calling you all back, but I thought you'd want to know some details before the holiday! In case I don't catch you before then - Merry Christmas!!
Touching baby for the first time.
I don't know if you can see it or not, but James is wearing his LUCKY shirt!! We joked as he dressed on Saturday, that maybe the shirt would come through for us - sure enough! 2:00 on Saturday baby started making his way into the world.
"I will proclaim the name of the Lord. Oh praise the greatness of our God. He is the Rock, his works are perfect, and all his ways are just. A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is he." Deut. 32:3-4