
Here's Baby!!

We had our 20wk ultrasound about 2 1/2 weeks ago and it was the most amazing thing!! Talk about taking your pregnancy to a whole other level - this really made it seem so much more real for us! And we were able to have it video taped (you know we've been watching it at least once a week)!! And it's still a surprise!! Yippie!!

This was my favorite pic - something about those tiny feet!! I just want to kiss them!!

Some other pregnancy news for those thinking of having babies or those already in the thick of it - two things you should check out.

***DISCLAIMER: I'm coming to discover that what beliefs and decisions people make about child birth is right up there with their beliefs about politics and religion. I see no need trying to sway people from their current position... so though we are hoping for a natural birth process it doesn't mean it's for everyone and who knows I still may want those drugs!! But I do feel that you should make an informed decision before you pull the trigger about your birth location... so to each his own - just get informed!!***

1. The Business of Being Born is an excellent video, though it's a proponent of home birth, those choosing a midwife/birth center, or hospital I think would find the information helpful. Knowledge is power - so knowing what your options are before you hit the hospital and just blindly follow suit is a good idea. (On a personal note - I totally cried!! It took away all my fears about birth and made me super excited about the whole experience!!) And hello - it's not like a bunch of fanatical Christians made it, it's feminist in nature, but they have some sweet things to say. You can check out the trailer here http://www.thebusinessofbeingborn.com/ and I'm told you can even rent through netflix. (Kudos to my pal Michelle Helm for introducing me to the video).

2. Prenatal Fitness Fix with Erin O'Brien. So those of you who know me know that I am not a exercise buff, to say the least... meaning I NEVER EXERCISE. Our midwife has been strongly encouraging me to take it up, since this will be like the hardest thing I've ever done. So thanks to my good pal Shannon Logsdon I've actually been giving it a shot. She shared this video with me and I love it because:

  • She's human (and also prego herself)!! Erin exercises in her own living room, with no make-up and at one point wearing at t-shirt and what looks like her husbands boxers. (You feel anybody can do this you don't have to be a trim and beautiful barbie doll).

  • But let not this down to earth look fool you - she's a personal trainer who knows her stuff! Check out the DVD cover for her creds. but take it from me she's a great coach. Tells you the do's and don't -shows you what they look like and gives great tips on actually isolating the muscles you're supposed to be using - you know so you're actually exercising!!

  • Erin doesn't push it. She's pregnant too, and tells you when too much is too much.

  • There's a pee break half way through ;)

  • If you have a couch and a coffee table you can do all of the exercises!! Leave the weights at the gym!!

  • If you're already super buff and need more of a challenge, she has a partner workout segment that provides you with much more resistance.

Know of any other good mommy to be videos or books please share!! I'm currently looking into doing my own baby food so any resources on that I'd be interested in!

Read any of the Sears baby books? I heard their SUPER!


a baby, a belly, and a bunch of other stuff...

The long awaited pictures... This is baby at 8wks :) lets just say it's a lot bigger now and defenatly making it's presence known!! This Thursday will be 20wks and we are scheduled for another ultrasound - which we just found out we can have video taped :) - and we're hoping to NOT find out about the gender. And here is the belly picture... keep in mind, it's being aided a little by dinner and a really cute top! We have also received a few baby goodies from a shower I had at work, they're piling up in husband's office.

As for the bunch of other stuff, there has been a lot going on. Some happy and some sad - We spent Easter with the Graftons, Stacie graduated in May, husband took a summer class, we felt baby kicking for the first time, Mom2 was in town for a visit, we took a trip to Gettysburg, Jana was married, Sarah had a baby and we witnessed the loss of a earthly life and the beginning of a heavenly one. Joy and sorrow as we've heard the triumps and struggles of our friends these past few months. (And we are still praying for God to meet many of your needs!). It seems our hears have been filled to overflowing one day and heavily burdened the next. We've been upheld by remembering that there is a time and season for everything, and we're learning to embrace the weeping and the laughing, the life of a child a the death of a friend.

As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is
formed in a mother's womb, so you cannot understand the work of
God, the Maker of all things. However many years a man may live, let
him enjoy them all. But let him remember the days of darkness, for
they will be many. Everything to come is meaningless. Be happy, young
man, while you are young, and let your heart give you joy in the days of
your youth. Follow the ways of your heart and whatever your eyes
see, but know that for all these things God will bring you to
judgment. So then, banish anxiety from your heart... (Ecc.11)